J. Anthony Licciardello, CDFA Mediator, Analyst, Strategist
Thanks for Getting “The Financially Smart Divorce”
I hope you find it helpful in navigating the financial side of your divorce.
The planner is an essential part of the book and has grown from a few exercises to something quite comprehensive. I have also added information on mediation so you can better decide if it is right for you, and how to interview mediators. But use the just the parts you need.
You can always call or text me with your questions at 401 533-4142 or email me at wentworthplanning@gmail.com. All conversations are confidential.
A Quick Story About Susan
Susan walked into the lawyer’s office for her initial consultation and the questioning began.
What is your net worth? How much debt do you have? What will you spend each month? What do you have in retirement? Do you have a pension? What is your house worth? How big is the mortgage? What is your take home pay, what is your spouse’s?
and then
What’s the biggest financial issue you face? Can you afford the house? Will you need alimony to make ends meet (or) can you afford to pay alimony? What do you want? What do you need?
and lastly
He hands her an official family court financial affidavit form to fill out. “Put in your information and get it back to me so we can do your filing…by the way it has to be accurate or the judge will not be happy…and (one more time) tell me what you want. My fee is $375 per hour.”
Susan’s head was spinning.
Here is the thing…the answers to these questions are critical and you need to know them upfront. Whether you mediate or litigate you need to get your data organized, know what is most important to you, and be able to guide your attorney or mediator. You need to be in control.
So we offer a service that will give you clarity on your finances and help you get ahead of the game in working with your lawyer or mediator.
For about what you would pay for one hour of a divorce lawyer’s time you will get the insights and answers you need to move forward confidently.
If you want to learn more click below. You can order the planner from that page. Or skip it and go right to the planner download form.